Advocates for Father’s Rights

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Is custody or visitation with your child being limited or withheld?

Would you like to be included in important decisions affecting your child?

Are your worried that the child support you’re paying isn’t being used to properly care for your child?

Know Your Rights

Just as fathers have legal obligations to care for their children financially, physically, and emotionally, they also have legal rights when it comes to child support, custody, and visitation.  Now more than ever, fathers are taking a more active role in their children’s lives and the courts tend toward support and custody arrangements that are inclusive of both parents.

Missouri statutes regarding the custody of minor children are gender neutral, meaning that neither parent is presumed to be the “best” or “most qualified” caregiver simply because of gender.  Missouri recognizes that it is in the best interests of minor children to have frequent and meaningful contact with both parents and the courts favor joint legal custody.

If you believe your rights as a father are being overlooked, you need an experienced family law attorney who can advise you of the necessary steps to take to ensure you remain an integral part of your child’s life.  We believe it is in the children’s best interests to have a loving and nurturing relationship with both parents and we will aggressively defend your rights as a father.

If you are facing divorcemodification of a prior judgment, paternity action, termination of child support, or an administrative hearing regarding child support, call us to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced family law attorney who can protect your rights.